Jul. 27 by Amy Atkinson |

Presentation: Marketing for Nonprofits

Amy Atkinson - Marketing for Nonprofits

Last Friday, I had the privilege of speaking to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Nashville Chapter about marketing for nonprofits. Thanks to Sandy Obodzinski for inviting me and the audience for making the presentation so much fun.

While fundraising and marketing are two different disciplines, they are closely related. Both rely on developing meaningful relationships with your target audiences. I covered a lot of territory in this presentation, including:

  • Mistakes and challenges
  • Establishing priorities
  • Tips for marketing efficiency and effectiveness

Here\’s the full presentation:

Thanks again to AFP for the opportunity.


Filed Under: Marketing

Amy Atkinson

Amy Atkinson is a 20-year marketing and public relations veteran. She writes about integrated marketing and social media. Connect with her on Twitter or on Google+.